Prelude to project plans

I believe I have done enough political content for a while, along with some more spontaneous posts about my academic life, and the spirit of the spring holidays is decidedly beginning to take its hold on me after the VIVA presentation I had last week. So I’ve decided to seize that spirit and take something of a break from the blog and wind down, spending more time playing video games (compared to making video games), playing on my guitar, catching a gig or two and generally having fun. But I also plan to use at least some of that time continuing to read about the occult as I always meant to do, and particularly to research for the Satanic philosophy project that I have for this blog.

When I return to the blog, I am going to divide this project into multiple separate posts, all of which will probably be quite long.

  1. The substance of authentic Satanic philosophy: This in my opinion should be the “main attraction” sort of post, if you will. It’s basically my attempt to define the core idea of Satanism in categorical fashion as an attempt to properly illustrate my issue with the way that groups like The Satanic Temple see Satanism and the direction in which they see fit to take that philosophy in as a response to events such as their involvement in things like The Women’s March, where an organization supposedly championing such an individualistic philosophy decided to ally itself with a discordant rally with one of its few defining ideas represented by a gender and race based collectivist ideology (read: third wave feminism). In other words, it’s an attempt to answer to the question of “what exactly is authentic Satanic philosophy?”.
  2. The split between the Church of Satan and The Satanic Temple: This is a subject matter that I had been wanting to cover since around the time Satanicviews wrote about The Satanic Temple’s surge in members after the 2016 US elections, and how this seemed to illustrate a divide between the views of both The Satanic Temple and the much older Church of Satan, but for whatever reason hadn’t gotten around to doing. I think it’s an important topic to cover when addressing the modern Satanic zeitgeist, as the two organizations, being the two most recognizable organizations in the movement, seem to act as massive signposts for the most familiar aspects of the zeitgeist and the worldview prevalent therein.
  3. Satan vs Lucifer: Yeah yeah I know this is an old horse, but the fact remains these two are not the same entity, and this is in spite of anything I may have said to the contrary just in case I have said anything to the contrary. I don’t believe it is a coincidence that Satanism and Luciferianism have a somewhat different character whilst they center around the idea of the two respective entities. For the purpose of this post, I aim to demonstrate why in a very detailed and categorical fashion.
  4. My place in the Satanic zeitgeist: Gonna level with you here folks, I need to get something out right away: I am personally feel that I am experiencing something of an internal conflict regarding my own personal beliefs, or at least I feel I am pretty close to one. As much I chastise other Satanists, like The Satanic Temple, for abandoning authentic Satanic philosophy in favor of politically correct liberal ideology, I have experienced doubts regarding certain ideals associated with Satanism, to the point that I think in the future I may actually see myself as having shed some conventions within that very philosophical framework. This has been due to two key factors: the first being my awakening to the whole political correctness culture war that had been going on some time but until some time in 2016 I hadn’t been completely aware of and the personal exploration of political and philosophical ideas that followed, and several compounding events that happened in the world, coupled with a few personal issues as well. As a result I spent some of my time thinking about morality and ethics quite a bit (who knows, maybe that will be another lengthy post entirely) and questioning certain topics like revenge, religion, spirituality, selfishness, the relation between the individual and society, rationality and many other things in private, all of which I think have either resurrected old influences or invited new ones to my worldview. I never fully settled the Satanism vs Luciferianism divide, which I had meant to do. I just sort of let the two systems co-exist in me. In the mean time, ideas from other spiritual systems as well as secular atheistic humanism had become influential – sometimes in the sense that it reminds me of the spirit of my personal outlook as it is or classically was, and other times in the sense that these are new ideas that I hadn’t processed yet but look set to enhance and update my own worldview because they make sense to me or in some cases even represent pure factual truth. At some point I think I am going to have to process all of that in a way that I can put out a post on this blog just stating the bare bones of the matter and how I’ve gotten to that point.

Anyway, consider this the marking point for a hiatus for the blog, until my plans are completed. Until then, I won’t even return to post about current events. This may be contrary to statements I may have made earlier on the subject, and I’m mentioning that for the purposes of honesty alone. Will of course respond to comments.